Many people on the forum, expressed their desire to make themselves a Stirling engine.
These calls were heard and the dream becomes possible
You will find below the means to build yourself your own Stirling engine by using the plans of Fernand,
Daniel Lyonnet or Hubert Roussel.
There also exists, in the trade, of the kits which await your talents. In all the cases the realization of a
Stirling engine requires many care, patience and perseverance.
But what a satisfaction and a pride when the engine runs!
Fernand, of which you can see splendid constructions in the page “Achievements”, had the extreme kindness to propose the publication of the plans and the tutorial of Chenapan engine on this site (see photograph opposite). These documents are for people having sufficient equipement and which have already made complex engines. No additional help will be available apart from these precious supports.
To view these documents, you can simply click on the following links: “Chenapan tutorial ” and/or “Chenapan drawings “
Hubert Roussel offers, on his website, elegant engines
operating with a low temperature difference (photograph above). They do not cost expensive, they are
relatively easy to make. You can see them running through videos and especially there are plans with dimensions!
Hoping that the raw material will not generate the bankruptcy of AOL…
Good luck !!!
This site was created and is maintained by Pierre Gras.
Thank you with all the people who contributed their shares: articles, photographs, vidéos, worksheets…
The author is opened with any suggestion allowing to improve this site for happiness of everybody. Finally, a big
thank you to Robert Stirling !
"" site by Pierre Gras is licensed under a
Creative Commons License
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