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Stirling engine

Ce site appartient au réseau de sites relatifs aux moteurs à air chaud

Achievements of amateurs

This page has been created to receive some photographs and videos of various achievements made by excellent amateurs.

The webmaster of this site has chosen some achievements worthiest of interest and he will renew them regularly.

If you are interested by this proposal, contact him with the following address: Webmaster e-mail

Achievements (remarkable!) currently present:

Page 1 : Fernand

Page 2 : Michel, René, Didier.

Page 3 : Alain F, Jean-Pol.

Page 4 : Philippe, Jacques, Alain D, Webmaster.

Philippe’s achievements :

Chenapan in full action
(According to the Fernand’s plans, see above)

Stirling engine: “Super Mario

Thermoacoustic Stirling engine
(With the sound!)

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Jacques’s achievements

A personalized Opitec engine

A personalized Opitec engine. This engine runs very well, it comprises a device of “decompression” which makes it possible to vary the speed: 350 rpm to 1400 rpm.

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Alain D’s achievements :

First realization of Alain D.


First realization of Alain D.


First realization of Alain D.


First realization of Alain D.

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Webmaster’s achievements :

Stirling engine which runs on a tea cup

Engine made of pasteboard, plastic, aluminum and steel wire “Navastro” (not expensive!)

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This site was created and is maintained by Pierre Gras. Thank you with all the people who contributed their shares: articles, photographs, vidéos, worksheets… The author is opened with any suggestion allowing to improve this site for happiness of everybody. Finally, a big thank you to Robert Stirling !

"" site by Pierre Gras is licensed under a Creative Commons License Creative Commons License .

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