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Stirling engine

Ce site appartient au réseau de sites relatifs aux moteurs à air chaud

Achievements of amateurs

This page has been created to receive some photographs and videos of various achievements made by excellent amateurs.

The webmaster of this site has chosen some achievements worthiest of interest and he will renew them regularly.

If you are interested by this proposal, contact him with the following address: Webmaster e-mail

Achievements (remarkable!) currently present:

Page 1 : Fernand

Page 2 : Michel, René, Didier.

Page 3 : Alain F, Jean-Pol.

Page 4 : Philippe, Jacques, Alain D, Webmaster.

Fernand’s achievements :

Fernand died in late 2008. In agreement with his wife, the splendid achievements of Fernand remain visible on this site. Is not this the best tribute to him ?
Most models of Fernand were bequeathed to the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris. An excellent way to ensure the sustainability of these.

Exposure  AUTO-RETRO 57

Exposure ” AUTO-RETRO 57 ” 9 and 10 august 2006.
All these engines was made by Fernand !

EXPO-TRAINS october 2004

” EXPO-TRAINS ” october 2004


Photograph of CHENAPAN engine, with its tutorial and its drawings. NB : the tutorial and the drawings of this engine are on this site here “Drawings”

Disc inclined SWASHPLATE engine

Disc inclined “SWASHPLATE” engine


“ROBINSON” engine

Beta engine for cogénération

Beta engine for cogénération

Gamma engine with  oscillating displacer

Gamma engine with oscillating displacer

Small-scale model of an engine built at the beginning of the 20th century

Small-scale model of an engine built at the beginning of the 20th century

Hot-air engine without displacer

Hot-air engine without displacer !

Boat engine

Boat engine !
heating by butane – cooling by water !

Engine with a complex kinematics

Engine with a complex kinematics

Engine with a vertical pendulum

Engine with a vertical pendulum

Gamma engine

Gamma engine

Gamma engine with stationary displacer !

Gamma engine with stationary displacer !

Fluidyne,  flow: 12 l/h

Fluidyne, flow: 12 l/h

Stirling engine with pendulum but without displacer!

Stirling engine with pendulum but without displacer!

Gamma engine with membrane piston!

Gamma engine with membrane piston!

Gamma engine, displacer with marbles

Gamma engine, displacer with marbles

Copy of a model exposed to the Palais de la Découverte in Paris

Copy of a model exposed to the “Palais de la Découverte” in Paris

Thermoacoustic engine

Thermoacoustic engine ( See French description )

Vacuum engine

“Vacuum” engine

Other “not-Stirling” achievements of Fernand but worthy of publication:

WIMSHURST's electrostatic machine

WIMSHURST’s electrostatic machine – Voltage: 25 000 V

Steam engine, twin-cylinder, double-acting piston engine

Steam engine, twin-cylinder, double-acting piston engine
Capacity: 8c.c. with inverter
Boiler made with a shell — capacity: 0,7 l.
Greaser with micrometric adjustment

An other view of the engine discribed above

An other view of the engine discribed above

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This site was created and is maintained by Pierre Gras. Thank you with all the people who contributed their shares: articles, photographs, vidéos, worksheets… The author is opened with any suggestion allowing to improve this site for happiness of everybody. Finally, a big thank you to Robert Stirling !

"" site by Pierre Gras is licensed under a Creative Commons License Creative Commons License .

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